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Kiteboarding Rules

1. Ride Safe.

2. Ride Often.

Pocomo Specific Rules

The two rules above also apply at Pocomo, as well as the specific rules below.

During the summer do not ride near the point. Do not sail inside the area marked by the line between the two bouys and the beach in the swim area.

Launch and land from the very end of the point. The kiter or launcher should have "wet feet".

Under no circumstances should a kiteboarder ride in the "swim area".

Be courtious to fellow beach goers, always have bystanders safety at the forefront of your mind and consolidate your equipment on the beach. These rules are, of course, in effect at all beaches.

It is important to be cool...

1. ALWAYS respect the orders of authorities (lifeguards, cops, town
patrols, etc). If they ask us to move, gladly do it.

2. ALWAYS give the highest protection to bystanders and beachgoers. If in doubt, don't launch/land. If absolutely necessary, ask them to move to a safer spot. Try to move yourself before asking them to move.

3. KNOW the protected / restricted areas.

4. KNOW your equipment and proper range for kites. Rig too small if in
doubt. The small kites will usually work fine.

5. STAY away from swimming areas, etc. -- this implies being able to
stay upwind. The light winds are no excuse for going through a
swimming area. Plan ahead.